and my quote...

"Apologetic tolerance and narcissism will be the two causes that historians use to explain the demise of America." - BDionne

Lack of faith

Saturday, January 3, 2009
In a recent Twitter thread there was discussion about the compatibility of atheism and conservatism. The influence of Christianity on western cultures has been great and I am glad to have had the influence of the goodness of the Christian belief system. But I also believe that such goodness can exist without being a Christian.

My main problem with the acceptance of "faith" is attempting to explain and even justify the existence of evil with the concept of free will. Natural disasters and freak accidents cause pain and death to our great sadness. But when sexual predators and pedophiles ruin the life of innocent children, or when a father shoots his wife and children on a snowy forest road, or when a monster has control of a country and can kill/maim hundreds or thousands at will, well, that prevents me from accepting the concept of a "loving" God. 

So, I cannot say with certainty that there is no God, in fact there must be something that created reality, but I don't feel drawn toward this "dispassionate" Creator. I know this will be viewed as simplistic but I crammed my philosophy into a simple limerick. (Again, I'm not strictly atheist, but the rhyme works)

Innocents are treated like grist
When despotic leaders get pissed

Why should good people pay?
       “Free will”,  you say

That explains why I’m atheist

1 comments: said...

Well said.

- Kenn

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