and my quote...

"Apologetic tolerance and narcissism will be the two causes that historians use to explain the demise of America." - BDionne

Limerick - Gitmo Lockup

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hey, you Gitmo haters. If you bring the enemy combatants to US soil and let leech lawyers represent them you will regret it. Think about what would happen if OBL was actually captured, charged, and tried in the US. The media circus and smell of the legal cesspool would distract us so we would not see the terrorist a**holes coming!

Gitmo is just fine by me

I say lock them up, toss the key

            You take them to court

            And file a tort

 They’ll try it again when set free


Limerick - Liberty vs Security

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Limerick about balancing liberty and security

There is a often quoted statement attributed to Ben Franklin, "Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither". This is a platitude that sounds nobile but does not convince me that we shouldn't take reasonable measures to protect ourselves from the enemies we know would do us harm. Yes, to give a completely open mandate for our government to take complete control of our lives and eliminate all liberties to assure our safety would be absolutely wrong. But to permit reasonable measures with essential controls, such as monitoring communications of suspected terrorists or to give more scrutiny to a person or group that raises suspicions (yes, I mean profiling!), does not mean we have surrendered our freedoms.  In my view, absolute liberty is anarchy! And anarchy will not provide security.

“Raising security,

will mean we are no longer free.”

            “We cannot give in,

              Or the terrorists win!”

Well, if dead we won’t have liberty

Media professionals and "journalists" always put up the "objectivity" shield but too often they are obviously taking advantage of events and "public welfare" to acheive these two goals:

1. Improve ratings - $$$

2. Manipulate public policy

“Innocent till proven guilty”

Our courts are required to be

            But the media can blame

            Accuse and cause shame

Then move to their next “kill” with glee


Monday, December 29, 2008
I am unable to comprehend the mind of a radical Muslim but I find no reason to excuse them. Do not tell me I am too dense and unable to understand the plight of the Muslims and their mistreatment by the West. DO NOT claim it is the fault of the West. I had a rotten childhood (abuse, poverty, discrimination) here in America (the best nation on earth!) and I will not allow this to be an excuse for my failure. Here is a limerick to "honor" those moronic suicide bombers!

They think they’ll get 72 virgins

If they follow the mullahs urgings

             “Jihad is the way!”

            “Infidels must pay!”

 Well, they’re certainly not brain surgeons


Friday, December 26, 2008
All cultures are not equal! Why do we bend over backwards to accomodate or avoid offending cultures and customs that are destructive to the American society. This applies to both immigrants and citizens of this nation. The ingredients  put in the "melting pot"  should improve the dish, not lessen it. Here is a little limerick to summarize.

Multiculturism is claimed best.
Even secularists think it "blessed".
When stirring together
Do we stop to think whether
To keep just the good, toss the rest?

Limerick for the ACLU

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas to all our friends at the ACLU!!

The ACLU says we can’t preach

Evolution is all we can teach

             They defend pedophiles

            Champion “No God” trials

 Claiming its freedom of speech

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I wrote this back in 2006 before BO became the Messiah. Still seems relevant given that the 2008 winner will do/say anything to get a vote -

In 2000 you voted for Gore

With Kerry your choice in ‘04

            I really can’t wait

            For 2008 

To see your next political whore


Never mind the reality of terrorism and national security. For you Bush bashers, the 8 year hate-fest is nearly over. Here is a little limerick in response:

You criticize Bush and his tactics

Claim he treats truth and law like elastics

            Do you not comprehend

            Islam wishes our end?

 Wish your parents had used prophylactics


Here are a couple of Christmas limericks to share on this Christmas Eve.

First -

With mistletoe over my head
I was groped by a man dressed in red
With a pat and a squeeze
I said "Stop, Santa, please!
Do that again and your dead!"


Santa perched atop his sleigh
Rudolph was leading the way
Air traffic control 
Didn't watch the console
Now Santa's jet engine fillet!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
OK. I am still learning about blogs and postings. Looking for feedback and checking out templates. I will continue striving to set up a site that gets people interested in my concerns about radical Islam, bad people, and other destructive forces that are hurting the USA!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Religion of peace? Look at this link and try to work up some tears for Islamic apologists and appeasers. 

Jihad Limerick:

You claim your religion is great

That jihad is simply sedate

            But then we see

            Your explosivity

Your words are betrayed by your hate

Thursday, December 18, 2008
America Alone, by Mark Steyn, is one of my favorite books. Here is a limerick that fits the subject.

Demographically in the EU

Birth rates are now less than two

            The Muslim pops growing

            While yours is slowing

Before long, an Islamic coup


Great music to combat radical Islam

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Check out the link to Weapons of Musical Defense! They are a group of musicians creating music about the spread of radical Islam and the danger to Western civilization. They currently have a downloadable album called "Imagine Jihad" containing 7 songs that would, in my opinion, be a wonderful fit for a rock-opera based on Mark Steyn's book "America Alone". 

I found out about this from the podcast from Shire Network News (, now on hiatus after the 2008 election but may be producing again in the future. Their old podcasts are still entertaining for the wit and content. 

Political correctness has been taken beyond absurdity when trying not to offend the most easily offended group on the planet. Check out for a log of examples. Here is a limerick about the problem:

Let us have Sharia law

Politically correct faux pas

            No Muslim annoyed

            Our culture destroyed

Complaisance is our flaw

Time POTY - A limerick in his honor

Was it any surprise that Mr. Obama is the POTY for Time magazine? If anyone was holding their breath for that decision, his/her brain damage has only been made more severe!

He has a strong presence on stage

Face plastered upon the front page

            But listen closely

            His speech is empty

He’s charismatic, not sage


Politically Correct Cultural Suicide

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Origin and history of political correctness at

Do not be intimidated by the Left fascists.

Limerick - Larry Craig

Old news I realize but I felt this was humorous and worth sharing.

Tapping his foot in a stall
Reaching his hand neath the wall
      Claimed his wide stance
      Was to hold up his pants
His action led to his downfall

Limerick - Homophobia

Here is my limerick for homosexuality. In line with "Don't ask, don't tell" I want to add "don't care"!

I grew up thinking a fairy
Was not meant to be big, male, and hairy

         Homophobia is not
         The problem I’ve got

I just think Tinker Bill is contrary

Limerick - Michael Moore

Here is my limerickal tribute to Michael Moore. Obviously, I am a conservative.

Just a snake in the far left, lib pit
Slovenly, unkempt, unfit

         You rake in the cash
         While you pump out the trash

Mr. Moore, you are so full of shit!

Limerick - Terrorism

I like to condense complex issues into a 5-line limerick. Easier for a simple mind such as mine and fun to create.

Al Qaeda wants nuclear gear

When asked “Can’t we talk?” they just sneer

                They want us all dead

                With the ground stained blood red

Yet you say we’ve nothing to fear


Just starting up my blog

Monday, December 15, 2008
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. I am just playing with my blog layout and will end up deleting this anyway. Be prepared for thoughtless thoughts and unfeeling feelings being expressed.

Old posts at Townhall