and my quote...

"Apologetic tolerance and narcissism will be the two causes that historians use to explain the demise of America." - BDionne

Test posting from iGoogle

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
This is just a test to see if I can make posts to the blog from my iGoogle homepage.

Limerick - Bush Bashers

Monday, January 5, 2009
Since 9/11 we have been hearing complaints and protests about the Patriot Act and other measures used to prevent terrorist attacks. What will it take to open the eyes of such people?
Hopefully not another major event!

You criticize Bush and his tactics
Claim he treats truth and law like elastics

Do you not comprehend
Islam wishes our end?

Wish your parents had used prophylactics

Lack of faith

Saturday, January 3, 2009
In a recent Twitter thread there was discussion about the compatibility of atheism and conservatism. The influence of Christianity on western cultures has been great and I am glad to have had the influence of the goodness of the Christian belief system. But I also believe that such goodness can exist without being a Christian.

My main problem with the acceptance of "faith" is attempting to explain and even justify the existence of evil with the concept of free will. Natural disasters and freak accidents cause pain and death to our great sadness. But when sexual predators and pedophiles ruin the life of innocent children, or when a father shoots his wife and children on a snowy forest road, or when a monster has control of a country and can kill/maim hundreds or thousands at will, well, that prevents me from accepting the concept of a "loving" God. 

So, I cannot say with certainty that there is no God, in fact there must be something that created reality, but I don't feel drawn toward this "dispassionate" Creator. I know this will be viewed as simplistic but I crammed my philosophy into a simple limerick. (Again, I'm not strictly atheist, but the rhyme works)

Innocents are treated like grist
When despotic leaders get pissed

Why should good people pay?
       “Free will”,  you say

That explains why I’m atheist

Limerick - Gitmo Lockup

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hey, you Gitmo haters. If you bring the enemy combatants to US soil and let leech lawyers represent them you will regret it. Think about what would happen if OBL was actually captured, charged, and tried in the US. The media circus and smell of the legal cesspool would distract us so we would not see the terrorist a**holes coming!

Gitmo is just fine by me

I say lock them up, toss the key

            You take them to court

            And file a tort

 They’ll try it again when set free


Limerick - Liberty vs Security

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Limerick about balancing liberty and security

There is a often quoted statement attributed to Ben Franklin, "Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither". This is a platitude that sounds nobile but does not convince me that we shouldn't take reasonable measures to protect ourselves from the enemies we know would do us harm. Yes, to give a completely open mandate for our government to take complete control of our lives and eliminate all liberties to assure our safety would be absolutely wrong. But to permit reasonable measures with essential controls, such as monitoring communications of suspected terrorists or to give more scrutiny to a person or group that raises suspicions (yes, I mean profiling!), does not mean we have surrendered our freedoms.  In my view, absolute liberty is anarchy! And anarchy will not provide security.

“Raising security,

will mean we are no longer free.”

            “We cannot give in,

              Or the terrorists win!”

Well, if dead we won’t have liberty

Media professionals and "journalists" always put up the "objectivity" shield but too often they are obviously taking advantage of events and "public welfare" to acheive these two goals:

1. Improve ratings - $$$

2. Manipulate public policy

“Innocent till proven guilty”

Our courts are required to be

            But the media can blame

            Accuse and cause shame

Then move to their next “kill” with glee


Monday, December 29, 2008
I am unable to comprehend the mind of a radical Muslim but I find no reason to excuse them. Do not tell me I am too dense and unable to understand the plight of the Muslims and their mistreatment by the West. DO NOT claim it is the fault of the West. I had a rotten childhood (abuse, poverty, discrimination) here in America (the best nation on earth!) and I will not allow this to be an excuse for my failure. Here is a limerick to "honor" those moronic suicide bombers!

They think they’ll get 72 virgins

If they follow the mullahs urgings

             “Jihad is the way!”

            “Infidels must pay!”

 Well, they’re certainly not brain surgeons


Friday, December 26, 2008
All cultures are not equal! Why do we bend over backwards to accomodate or avoid offending cultures and customs that are destructive to the American society. This applies to both immigrants and citizens of this nation. The ingredients  put in the "melting pot"  should improve the dish, not lessen it. Here is a little limerick to summarize.

Multiculturism is claimed best.
Even secularists think it "blessed".
When stirring together
Do we stop to think whether
To keep just the good, toss the rest?

Limerick for the ACLU

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas to all our friends at the ACLU!!

The ACLU says we can’t preach

Evolution is all we can teach

             They defend pedophiles

            Champion “No God” trials

 Claiming its freedom of speech

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I wrote this back in 2006 before BO became the Messiah. Still seems relevant given that the 2008 winner will do/say anything to get a vote -

In 2000 you voted for Gore

With Kerry your choice in ‘04

            I really can’t wait

            For 2008 

To see your next political whore