and my quote...

"Apologetic tolerance and narcissism will be the two causes that historians use to explain the demise of America." - BDionne
Monday, December 29, 2008
I am unable to comprehend the mind of a radical Muslim but I find no reason to excuse them. Do not tell me I am too dense and unable to understand the plight of the Muslims and their mistreatment by the West. DO NOT claim it is the fault of the West. I had a rotten childhood (abuse, poverty, discrimination) here in America (the best nation on earth!) and I will not allow this to be an excuse for my failure. Here is a limerick to "honor" those moronic suicide bombers!

They think they’ll get 72 virgins

If they follow the mullahs urgings

             “Jihad is the way!”

            “Infidels must pay!”

 Well, they’re certainly not brain surgeons



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